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A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum

Over the weekend my class ventured to Rome. We saw all the sights that we were supposed to see and basked in the history around us. Of course being a 21st century millennial meant that we blasted music from the Lizzie Mcguire Movie soundtrack from my cell phone and sang along loudly as we strolled down the cobblestone roads. Despite the weird looks we got, we continued on- smiles on our faces and camera's in our hands. Read until the end for a special surprise. That surprise may or may not be cute photos of animals. What? I didn't say anything.

Train rides are always my favorite. I love the excitement of going someplace new, the view from the window, and the perfect lighting for portraits.

We visited and got a tour of Cinecitta, which is a large film studio in Rome.

This is Fabio! Fabio is one of my professors and lives in Rome. He made a great tour guide on our trip!

We stumbled upon a protest while in Rome. The people were protesting because low income housing is being given to Refugees and a lot feel that Italians should have first priority.

The Yellow Walls of construction sites obsessed me while I was in Rome and on multiple occasions I just stood in front of them waiting to see who would "activate my frame." It is always fun to capture different characters.


This guy hand paints the coolest shoes. He was painting a kitten on a pair of converse when I snapped this.

On the last day I decided to challenge myself and force myself to use my 24 mm lens. It is hard using such a wide angle and doing street style photography because it forces me to put my camera right up in someones face without them realizing it which can be near impossible. I love the intimate feel it can give a photo though, so its worth it to push myself out of my comfort zone.

But then I saw this interesting looking Italian woman sitting near me while I ate lunch and I switched back to my 50mm lens to grab her portrait.

When in the train station I was given 30 free minutes to use the restroom and get snacks, but I didn't need to do either of those aforementioned activities. Instead I tried my shot hunting for the perfect face yet again. The lighting was perfect in the station so I stole portraits of passerbys until security got mad and we had to leave.

Two pairs of glasses and gelato? Just Rome things.

Shia LaBeof is that you?

This woman reminded me of a character from the book series The Clique by Lisi Harrison. Iconic.

Now the moment you have all been waiting for- I give you: ANIMALS OF ROME. Here are just some of the cute animals I saw in Rome. We got to visit a cat sanctuary so my heart was very happy.

This cat had fangs. I was so excited. I am still so excited. I love it.

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